One Stop Solution For All Stomach Issues: Bitter Berries

Summer vacations are almost over and the next obvious thing that comes to mind is ‘school’. A whole load of new things to look forward to often leaves a sense of doubt in the minds of kids. This naturally results in anxiety and restlessness among school goers and them being young, this often takes a toll on their appetite. In most cases, they tend to feel nauseous and uneasy in the stomach and end up with a case of stomach upset. Improper intake of food leads to low levels of energy in the body and the inability to be active. As one thing leads to another, the children end up taking an extra week off of school to revitalize themselves. This is where Bitter Berries (Sundakkai) comes into play.

Bitter berries-also known as the Turkish Berries by the rest of the world- is used in its dry form for cooking and medicinal purposes. It has the essential nutrients and minerals like Vitamin A iron, calcium fat, and fibers which are very helpful in preventing and curing diseases. As the name suggests, these berries have a very bitter taste and are widely included in household meals. Consumption of the berries poses a lot of benefits like improved digestion, removal of toxins and perfect bowel movement. As of long term benefits, bitter berries aid in the prevention of cancer, diabetes and kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

A simple, but the most effective way of ingesting bitter berries it to simply fry the berries completely, crush them, add ghee and take 2-3 spoons of it or add some boiled rice along with the ghee. This cleanses the stomach and gives almost immediate relief from nausea. Incorporating this into the kids’ appetite at-least once a month will go a long way in ensuring steady health and proper immunity levels.



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